ELLA @ 100
Submit up to fifteen total pages of any combination by PDF attachment to: ella100projectATgmailDOTcom
Please include in the email: your name; contact information; name of submissions. You must hold publication rights for pieces you are submitting. Previously published work is fine so long as poet/artist possesses publication rights. Note place of previous publication.
Please note that clearance of song lyrics is the responsibility of the author. The publisher will not pay for the use of song lyrics in this anthology. Please review fair use policies and consider them in your submission.
Early submission deadline is January 15, 2017. Pieces will be accepted on a rolling basis. Pieces will be accepted between January 16 and February 28 as space allows.
Contributors receive $10 and one contributor’s copy. Additional copies will be available at a discounted price.
The book will be offered for sale as a print on demand as well as electronic versions in venues as available.

Ella @ 100 anthology project seeks poems, stories, essays, scripts, and graphic essays or stories inspired by the life and work of the incomparable Ella Fitzgerald.
Photo courtesy of Municipal Archives of Trondheim https://flic.kr/p/8ACTS9

April 2017 is the 100th Birthday of the incomparable Ella Fitzgerald.
Miss Fitzgerald was born in Newport News, Virginia.
As a celebration of her life, art, and contribution to the world, we are compiling a collection of texts inspired by her, edited, and compiled here in the city of her birth.
We are looking for texts that reflect the life, times, and music of Ella, not particularly texts in which she is a character or presence, although these are welcome.
We are not associated with the Ella Fitzgerald Estate or her beneficiaries.